Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hermosa Beach Review - Holiday Inn Express Hermosa Beach Review | COS METIC UPDATES

Posted From: Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hermosa Beach Review - Holiday Inn Express Hermosa Beach Review Post ◀️◀️◀️ GET UP TO 25% OFF ANY HOTEL RESERVATION NOW -affiliate-

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hermosa Beach Review – Holiday Inn Express Hermosa Beach Review

⏰Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hermosa Beach Review keyword KEY MOMENTS ⏰

00:00:00 – Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hermosa Beach Review
00:00:10 – Room tour Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hermosa Beach
00:02:42 – Bathroom Tour and Review
00:05:07 – Outside Room Tour and Review
00:06:07 – Pool Tour Holiday Inn Express Hermosa Beach
00:08:40 – Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hermosa Beach Tour

🎬 Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hermosa Beach Review keyword VIDEO SERIES 🎬

JW Marriott Resort and Spa Room Tour Review
Holiday Inn Express and Suites Dallas Cockrell Hill Review
Loma de Vida Spa tour pool and jacuzzi – La Cantera resort and spa pool and jacuzzi review
La Cantera resort and spa Pools and water slides – La Cantera resort water slides jacuzzi hot tub

#holidayinnresort #holidayinnexpress #hermosabeach #holidayinn





Thank you for joining me today to discover more about Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hermosa Beach. Let us walk you through what is included in this hotel review demo. Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hermosa beach is a great place to stay if you are traveling. This Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hermosa Beach review demo will show you that the price you pay is worth it. We will mention all the main features of this hotel.
The Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hermosa Beach is a first-rate hotel located by the sand. This Holiday Inn is known for its superb customer service. You will find yourself living your getaway dreams in every luxury room. The Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hermosa Beach provides a remarkable customer service experience. In the end, this will truly be a rewarding stay at any Holiday Inn. Get a firsthand look at the Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hermosa Beach with this Holiday Inn Express Hermosa Beach review demo. This video will show you the facts and figures about this hotel. We hope you have a lot of fun with this Holiday Inn Express Hermosa Beach review.

We pride ourselves in the Holiday Inn Express that we build. All of the Holiday Inn Express is designed to attract customers that want to stay at a facility that is clean and comfortable. These are modern Holiday Inn Express features that people come to expect. The Holiday Inn Express Hotel Scranton PA is designed as a cookie-cutter design, which is inexpensive to construct but fits with the many Holiday Inn Express Hotel Scranton PAs that already exist. The Holiday Inn Express Hermosa Beach is a hotel that is constructed for an area that already has a Holiday Inn Express Hotel there. Nearly every hotel that is constructed today is a Holiday Inn Express. These Holiday Inn Express are built with a special design that enables the hotel to be constructed in less time than other designs. The Holiday Inn Express Hermosa Beach is a hotel that exists in the middle of Hermosa Beach. If you are visiting any of these Holiday Inn Express, thank you for paying attention. Here is the Holiday Inn Express that was constructed in Hermosa Beach, big thanks to the owners of the hotel. This is the Holiday Inn Express where meetings are held. If you look outside the window of this Holiday Inn Express you will also see others Holiday Inn Express. If you check out any of these Holiday Inn Express’s, feel free to send them a hi and introduce yourself. If you want to stay in one of these hotels, we recommend Holiday Inn Express Every Holiday Inn Express is different, so if you want a cookie-cutter design, you may have to do some searching to find one.

When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. For all products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company, or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.

Today we're gonna do a tour of room 237 Of the Holiday Inn Express and Suites This is a full king suite right inside We do have the bathroom door Inside we have the mini bar now Currently they're going to be fixing This one here so we're not going to be Using this sink but it does have a full Refrigerator inside it does have a Built-in microwave hi it has a storage Over These guys here and then it has an ice Bucket it has cups a Keurig which mama Likes we have Coffee coffee cups coffee creamer inside Of the closet we have a full iron Ironing board Five hangers we have our extra bedding Here we do have a built-in Safe into the floor And we have a full body mirror With a table that comes out for the Queen sofa sleeper coffee table and a Big giant lamp wow that looks like You're gonna get your hair done there we Do have an AC here Right there And then we have a table With chairs We have a lamp and then we have one of These things here I love these little Dressers Where you can go ahead and put your bags Down

So you can lay your bags down and get Them done we do have a TV here with a Desk now the nice thing is here on the Desk we do have uh two power plugs two Usb chargers we also have a lamp and a Fancy designer mirror there and on the Lamp it does have two usb chargers we Have the AC on the wall And a window to the Courtyard here On the bed this is a king size oh wow This one's actually pretty soft it does Have the four pillows Pillow is a soft and a firm mama's gonna Like that we do have some nice lamps That you can turn off on either side of The bed stand with a phone And on the other side we have An alarm clock With a Two plugs and two usb chargers a pencil And a pad Inside the bathroom It has a walk-in shower with nice glass Here they do have a handlebar oh and They have the dove here in the shower The Dove Body Wash Dove shampoo and some Conditioner They have a Walk-in This one here is about six foot so it's Gonna wash most of me but not all of me And uh I do really enjoy these here Where they have the lipped uh drain so That it doesn't overflow when you're in

The walk-in shower it has a full Elongated toilet which is good for the Big high knees A nice vanity here With A lighted mirror around it also has some Hand wash and body lotion from Dove oh Mama is gonna like that some extra Washcloths Vanity sink We got toilet paper rolls here plus a Brand new roll and some washcloths now Looks like we might have Two full-size towels one on the floor so We're gonna have to get some more towels In here and it also has a little hook on The back of the door so that you can Hang your clothes and it has two plugs To plug your stuff in here in the Bathroom All right for the channels it does have A whole host of channels and a little Remote here so that you can go ahead and Watch TV and get your work done now look At this chair this Looks like a nice 70s chair looks pretty Soft and it looks like it hugs your Hiney all right now this is the office For the next seven days When you are staying for quite a few Days like we are they do have some nice Pull out drawers where you can go ahead And sort your clothes so you can have Your socks and all that kind of stuff

Down there easier to get to and then you Don't have to Jumble up your giant Suitcase they also have a nice little Trash Can there on the side Ready to relax All right on each floor they do have a Guest laundry that is open 8 A.M to 10 P.m they are wash laundries 150 on the Quarters Pretty big size they got dryers Washers regular washer front load washer And you can get soap bleach and Softeners These are dollar 25 a piece they got Bounce for two loads and tied And they also have Hand sanitizer looks like all right here In this hotel they do have three fours They got the lobby floor second floor And third floor All right so we have the workout center Here it has a treadmill elliptical it Has a bike and it has some free weights With some exercise balls the fitness Center is open 24 hours and children Under 16 of age must have an adult do You have an adult Right the pool is 8 AM to 11 p.m does Have an access with the key Let's see what's inside all right so we Are in the pool and jacuzzi area are you Ready to swim Yes it's right next to the workout Center and this is actually different

I've never seen this before we got the Pool it's indoor pool but it's got an Open side so you walk in here and it's a Little bit chilly but uh as we felt last Night the pool is heated and of course The jacuzzi is heated all right so they Actually have two towel stations they Have a towels and towel drops they have One here they have one there they also Have a handicap lift and they have uh All the stuff to save people and clean The pool while you're here they've got a Seating area they've got lots and lots Of chairs so that you don't feel awkward Coming here with your family And the pool looks pretty clean Do you approve They have two different kind of towels Here they have this color here and then They have a dark blue and you see the Difference one is a kids towel one is an Adult's towel so they have the main Entrance here for the pool and then they Have a secondary exit that goes back Into the hotel And they have a trash can here as well Switch for the jacuzzi is on the wall With the emergency shut off It's right here below it It's got a 15 minute timer Oh yeah this is what we came for What I like here is it's got two-sided Rails here so that you can get in there Nice and safe so inside the jacuzzi

There are a couple of steps and if you Want to be fully submerged to your head You have the first step the Second Step The third step you can sit on the third Step and it'll go all the way up to your Chin if not you will have your top chest Exposed as you sit on the regular bench Full exit has an emergency exit to the Back Has access to the stairs okay let's go And it has the staff area only where They make The clues The room right next to the pool we've Got the paper towels got the nice sink Area With the wash Nice full body mirror Urinal Baby changing station Toilet paper everywhere and a nice Elongated toilet for people with the big High knees toilet seat covers and The trash can Front door Breakfast Snacks they also have Cribs and rollaways for an additional Charge





⏰ninja foodi xl pot roast Key Moments ⏰
00:00:00 – ninja foodi xl pot roast intro
00:00:32 – ninja foodi xl pot roast super fast
00:00:54 – ninja foodi xl pot roast ingredients
00:01:53 – ninja foodi xl pot roast preparing meat
00:02:42 – ninja foodi xl pot roast party started
00:03:57 – ninja foodi xl pot roast Pressure cook

🎬 ninja foodi xl pot roast recipe VIDEO SERIES 🎬
German Style Pork Roast ninja foodi XL:
ninja foodi xl 8qt unboxing review:
ninja foodi sous vide steak:






So your looking for the best ninja foodi xl pot roast video on the internet, then you have found the right place. We will be teaching you how to use the ninja foodi pot roast creator inside of the newest ninja foodi xl pot roast tutorial. The only question that remains is, why should you use this ninja foodi xl pot roast creator? We will be providing you with the answer in our ninja foodi xl pot roast review video. We will show you all the features that this amazing application offers.

If you are searching for ninja foodi pot roast vs ninja foodi xl pot roast recipe, ask yourself if your really doing your research. Both ninja foodi xl pot roasts are the best ninja foodi xl pot roast ever made by humans or machines. Thank you for watching our video ninja foodi xl pot roast recipe. We hope you found what you are looking for soon enough. We sincerely hope you enjoyed our ninja foodi xl pot roast demonstration. This tutorial will show you how to make a pot roast from a recipe at home.

When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.

Greetings this is Daniel the green Cabbie and today we're going to be Making the easiest quickest most Delicious Roast with veggies that you've ever had In your life it's going to be super Quick super easy and it's going to be Super tasty we've got a couple of Base Ingredients that we want to add inside Our roast we got five pounds of roast Here some veggies to go inside our ninja XL foodie and we're gonna go ahead and Show you through the quick steps to be Able to make this super fast super quick And easy but make it taste just like it Came out of a slow cooker crock pot Something we're gonna do is we're going To wash and prep in bite sizes all of Our veggies celery chopped and washed Baby carrots prepped and washed fresh Cloves of garlic washed and chopped Potatoes Washed and chopped and onions chopped And washed and now I'm crying all right Now 30 seconds down we're gonna go ahead And jump into the quick cooking and then Tasting all right so the first thing We're going to do is we're going to get Our ninja XL foodie we're going to open It up we're gonna make sure our Container is clean and ready we're going To go ahead and put it on Sear saute High five and we're gonna say start And we are going to make sure

That it is on high ready to go we're Gonna put down some oil get these Sauteed and seared on both sides okay We're gonna put down about two Tablespoons of avocado oil uh because it Is good with high temperatures So we're gonna have that in there we're Gonna be ready For it to sear and saute our meat and if You hear it in there it is already Sizzling we've got our meat we're gonna Get it in there we're gonna work it Around we're gonna get our other piece Of meat in there and we're going to sear It until it is browned on both sides all Right we have our roasts in there we are Using our sear saute feature and we are Going to sear and brown both sides and Then Put in all of our veggies and secret Sauces all right it is now sizzling up a Storm As I said we're gonna Brown it on either Side once it's brown then we're gonna go Ahead and go to the next setting all Right we're almost done we're gonna Brown it on all the sides Last side and we're gonna get our party Started All right once we're done we are going To pour in one packet of ranch seasoning Foreign Stew mix [Music]

And one packet of aju gravy Two cups of water And we're gonna throw in our veggies all Right now we are going to take our Pressure lid We're gonna put it on Okay and then what we're going to do is We're going to set our pressure And we're going to set it [Music] For 60 minutes We're going to kick start and we're Going to make sure that our pressure is On so that it can go ahead and do 60 Minutes it's going to pre-load uh for a Little bit to get up to pressure and Then it's going to cook on pressure for 60 minutes We'll see you on the other side all Right it just beeped it got up to Temperature on high and now it's Counting down to when we are ready to Taste our tender deliciousness of pot Roast and veggies All right so as soon as it closes down And it stops you're gonna come up here To the top You're gonna open it up so it can Depressurize once it is depressurized Then we will open it up and Dive Right In so our veggies are ready to dive in And we're gonna get in there and dive Into the meat so we got fully cooked Nice veggies and we have super tender

Roast ready to eat super hot Tender and tasty


JW Marriott Resort and Spa Room Tour Review - Lantana Spa at JW Marriot San Antonio Texas J.W. | COS METIC UPDATES

Posted From: JW Marriott Resort and Spa Room Tour Review - Lantana Spa at JW Marriot San Antonio Texas J.W. Post ◀️◀️◀️ GET UP TO 25% OFF ANY HOTEL RESERVATION NOW -affiliate-

JW Marriott Resort and Spa Room Tour Review – Lantana Spa at JW Marriott San Antonio Texas J.W.

⏰ JW Marriott Resort and Spa Room Tour Review KEY MOMENTS ⏰

00:00:00 – JW Marriott Resort and Spa Room Tour
00:02:28 – JW Marriott Hall Resort & Library Tour
00:03:55 – JW Marriott Resort Outside Tour
00:06:32 – JW Marriott Resort night Tour
00:08:01 – JW Marriott Resort Food Tour
00:10:16 – JW Marriott Resort and Water part Tour
00:15:12 – JW Marriott Resort and Game areaTour
00:16:51 – JW Marriott Resort Beautiful View
00:17:35 – Lantana Spa at JW Marriot San Antonio Texas J.W. Review

🎬 JW Marriott Resort and Spa Room Tour Review VIDEO SERIES 🎬
La cantera resort and spa
Loma de Vida Spa tour pool and jacuzzi La Cantera resort:
kalahari Resorts Double Queen Room Tour
Kalahari Resorts Texas King Suite Room
Holiday Inn Resort Galveston Island
La Cantera resort and spa Pools and water slides:
Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area Review:
JW Marriott Resort and Spa Room Tour Review






Thank you for joining us today, while we were filming a vertical video for the JW Marriott resort and spa room tour. Well, in this video I will be describing to you everything you need to know about this hotel. I was even able to show you a JW Marriott San Antonio tour. I will be fully describing the hotel and I will show you the JW Marriott spa. This was by far, one of the best hotel videos that I have done. If you have ever been to this hotel, then you will absolutely love this video. Of course, if this video is not for you, It is still chock full of great information. inside you will find the JW Marriott resort spa room tour, JW Marriott resort and spa san Antonio, JW Marriott resort spa at san Antonio, hotel review, hotel tour, hotel information, hotel photos

Thank you for joining us today to watch our review. We are talking about the JW Marriott Resort and Spa Room Tour. If you have had the opportunity to stay at this magnificent hotel, I am sure by now you have a general idea of what a great time you had. How can you not have a great time in such an elegant setting? What you may not know is that if you stay at the JW Marriott Resort and Spa, you will get your own room tour video. JW Marriott Resort and Spa Room Tour Review.

Before arduous our journey, we will take one last look at the hotel that we are staying in. Even though it was only affordable for us to stay at a JW Marriott, we wouldn’t expect anything less. Hotels are one of my favorite places to live in, due to the luxury that they provide, their great staff, and the variety of food that they allow you to eat. I have been to countless hotels but only have enjoyed staying at a J.W. Marriott. JW Marriott San Antonio Texas is not your typical hotel. If you are looking for a great Spa, you will have it because JW Marriott has an amazing resort spa. I know, I know, you assumed that this had to do with JW Marriott having the best Spa, but you would be right. It is from the Lantana Spa. One thing I have come to know since I have been at this hotel is that JW Marriott knows what they are doing. If you have ever been interested in making your Spa experience better, well, here is your chance. With a JW Marriott resort spa, you will not only have amazing accommodations but, the best Spa in San Antonio. We hope that you will enjoy this review. Thanks for checking this out. We hope you have enjoyed the JW Marriott San Antonio Texas review. If you have not booked your stay yet then, do it now and check out JW Marriott.

When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.

Today we are going to be diving into the Narrative uh bread maker this is the Pe8866gr now this box is very unassuming This is actually the packaging for the Box all right so it's a 550 watt 120 Volts let's see it's made in your Favorite country I think and it is a Bread maker now the reason that I got This bread maker is it because it also Has uh you know one touch bread making Where you throw the ingredients in there Let it bread make but it also has a 14 Hour uh sit bread making function if You're making like sourdough or stuff And we got some sourdough starter that's 200 years old coming from California Right now all right so let's see what we Can find inside this is super cute I Think my wife is gonna like this it is a Beautiful I think it's pink oven mitt I Guess to take out the pan when you have Your bread done we got a colorful Brochure in here all right and I guess That's what our bread is gonna look like Afterwards now what I really like about This it also has a light medium and Darks like 10 recipes I'm sorry 10 pages In here it's got a recipe booklet plus All of the functions for the bread maker All right it's got a little bit of stuff Inside there here's the first peaks of Our bread maker look at this all the Different functions all right and we got Some more stuff in here packed

Here's our little bread canister there So we've got a measuring cup here that Goes up to one cup we've got a little Hook we have uh what do we got here a Tablespoon and a teaspoon Built-in measuring and we also have the Mixing blades which I believe that is a Gold color Here is the bread maker in all of its Glory we got the bread making bin same Color as the mixing blades And on top we have a color which of Course I told you I'm going to go for Light or white it's got the weight that You are making so your blade to get in There you want to make sure that it is Facing away from clockwise all right This is how it needs to look when you Put it in and lock it in place you see On there it has a little Notch right Here has the corresponding Notch to put It on so that it does not get tripped up When it's making you bread all right the Blade is ready for the party Until it grabs inside and then you turn It clockwise Ready to bake What I love about all the recipes it Shows you exactly how the stuff is Supposed to be in there your egg or Liquid in the bottom then your oil then Your salt sugar milk powder then your Flour and yeast on the very top now one Thing that the direction says if you put

An egg in there you cannot do the 15 Hour delay because your egg will go bad All right so if you have any recipe with An egg you need to make it right away Alright so the presets that come on it Are 750 gram bread Which is the weight it comes on medium Color And uh It goes on recipe number one now if you Want to change the color you just go Here for dark here for light and that's What I'm going to be making all of mine On and if you need to change the weight You select the different weight 750 or 900 grams We'll have your menu here So you can change the different recipe Types and it actually changes the times Depending on the recipe types [Music] Foreign [Music] Total settings numbered settings here Correspond with the settings in the book So if you're using a different recipe Book like I got this bread machine Recipe book you find the recipe that is Closest to what you are making and you Use that program when you set this one Here and you select the number for the Program You're using a different recipe book Than the one they provide you're either

Going to be using the one and a half Pounds or 750 gram recipes or the two Pounds or 900 gram recipes it's not Exact but these are the two recipes that You're going to be using recipe is the Faux sourdough bread recipe on page 144 Of the no fuss bread machine cookbook Just pick this up we're going to be Doing a bunch from this book Today we're going to be making the faux Sourdough bread now I do have some Sourdough starter that's 200 years old Coming from California right now but Until we get that we can actually use in Lieu of that we can use apple cider Vinegar And sour cream apple cider vinegar and Sour cream to get the faux sourdough Bread flavor so we'll see how that goes Three quarters cup non-chlorinated water [Music] Foreign [Music] Cup room temperature sour cream [Music] One and a half tablespoons of vinegar Now you can either use white or apple Cider vinegar depending on the flavor You like Two and a quarter tablespoons of butter Melted and cooled [Music] Three quarters of a teaspoon of salt and Three quarters of a tablespoon

Of sugar [Music] All right we have three crops of bread Flour it's gonna go right inside all Right and we're going to use one Teaspoon of active dry yeast throw that Bad boy in there Right on top like a cherry We're gonna close our lid And we are going to choose basic bread From these different guys here all right So we're going to go back to number one All right we're going to select our Color it's currently on medium we're Going to select it on light And we did the 750 or one and a half Pound Bread We're ready to go We press start [Music] When we get to the end of the timer Will have bread here to pull out All right it has ended it got to zero [Music] It is On the light setting [Music] Mel's amazing Okay so it's got the little hole in the Bottom from cooking it's got a wonderful Texture on top this is the light setting That I went for the lowest setting you Can get

[Music] Right here we have it in our bread Slicer let's go ahead and slice a slice And see how it tastes all right this was The faux sourdough bread here Fresh [Music] It actually smells quite like sourdough Bread [Music] Foreign [Music] Machine made it fully cooked It's got a good crisp flavor to it Had the super sourness of regular Sourdough Um But it's pretty yummy bread machine putt Out some pretty good bread Has a nice smell to it [Music] Has a little bit of crunch On the outside of the crust It is uh nice and tasty The center [Music] There's nothing like fresh hot rail [Music] The bread maker did a good job Had a little beef at the end let us know That it's ready For the ease of use of being able to Just throw the stuff in there Let It Go

The bread itself came out pretty clean Out of the pan And you could actually smell a little Bit of the bread smell coming out while It was cooking But I give this one a thumbs up it Worked well I enjoyed it and if any of The uh 20 different settings don't work For you you can do a homemade setting on There so you can set the time and the Weight and all that kind of stuff if you Want as well so definitely well worth it We're going to go ahead and see if we Can try every single one of the recipes And this guy here the new no fuss bread Machine cookbook and so we'll have some More coming to you soon with the Narrative Bread maker


Lantana Spa Review JW MARRIOTT SAN ANTONIO - Lantana Spa Tour San Antonio Texas | COS METIC UPDATES

Posted From: Lantana Spa Review JW MARRIOTT SAN ANTONIO - Lantana Spa Tour San Antonio Texas Post ◀️◀️◀️ GET UP TO 25% OFF ANY HOTEL RESERVATION NOW -affiliate-

Lantana Spa Review JW MARRIOTT SAN ANTONIO – Lantana Spa Tour San Antonio Texas

⏰ Lantana Spa Tour San Antonio Texas KEY MOMENTS ⏰

00:00:00 – Lantana Spa Tour San Antonio Texas
00:00:02 – Lantana Spa Tour San Antonio Texas Room Tour
00:00:00 – Pool Tour Lantana Spa Tour San Antonio Texas
00:01:30 – Lantana Spa Tour San Antonio Texas Food
00:02:04 – Shower and Comfort Room Tour
00:02:48 – Out Side room tour

🎬 Lantana Spa Tour San Antonio Texas VIDEO SERIES 🎬

Loma de Vida Spa tour pool and jacuzzi La Cantera resort:
La cantera resort and spa la cantera resort :
La Cantera resort and spa Pools and water slides:
Carnival Vista Spa Section Carnival Vista Cruise
Mokara Spa Review San Antonio






We are so glad they found you today while waiting for your JW Marriott San Antonio property tour. I know that you can’t wait to step inside your room and check out all the luxury this hotel has to offer. Before we take a tour, we are going to help you set up all the technology you’ll need before you leave. We will show you Lantana Spa, and then show you how to use your device to save photos and videos in your room. We will show how to use Lantana Spa remote, along with all the JW Marriott San Antonio technology. We will show you how to use Lantana Spa TV and Lantana Spa remote control. We hope that you will enjoy this Lantana Spa tour San Antonio Texas video. As we mentioned, this is one of the most popular hotel tech videos on the internet.

We are so glad that you are watching our travel video tour of the lovely Lantana Spa in San Antonio Texas. If you enjoyed our spa tour in San Antonio Texas, as we are sure you will, we have many other videos that you may also enjoy. We hope that you will still come back again and visit us soon. We have many other tips, tricks, and suggestions on how to make your travel experience more successful. We love for you to stick around and support us. Thank you for stopping by today.

JW Marriott San Antonio welcomes you to the ultimate getaway hotel in San Antonio. Overlooking the gorgeous San Antonio skyline sits JW Marriott San Antonio.

When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. For all products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company, or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.

Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Thank you Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music]


Texas State Fair Rides - Texas State Fair Rides Dallas TX Fair Ride Review | COS METIC UPDATES

Posted From: Texas State Fair Rides - Texas State Fair Rides Dallas TX Fair Ride Review Post ◀️◀️◀️ GET UP TO 25% OFF ANY HOTEL RESERVATION NOW -affiliate-

Texas State Fair Rides – Texas State Fair Rides Dallas TX Fair Ride Review

⏰ Texas State Fair Rides KEY MOMENTS ⏰

00:00:00 – Texas State Fair Rides Review – Texas State Fair Food Dallas TX
00:01:09 – Texas State Fair Rides Inside tour
00:01:23 – Horror Rides Texas State Fair
00:02:17 – Texas State Fair Rides Fun
00:08:31 – Texas State Fair Nights Rides

🎬 Texas State Fair Rides VIDEO SERIES 🎬
Texas State Fair Dallas TX Texas State Fair Rides:
Texas State Fair Food Review
Texas State Fair Rides Review
Johns Incredible Pizza Buena Park Mall:
universal studios florida – universal studios harry potter world
Disney Epcot Rides Map Hours Attractions






Thank you for checking out our Texas State Fair Rides – Texas State Fair Rides Dallas TX Fair Ride Review. As you can see, we broke down everything you need to know for first timers. We are going to show you the fair rides, attractions and what to do at the Texas State Fair. Be sure that you take the time to enjoy the Texas State Fair rides. You will find that carnival rides, water park rides, and ride a kid rides are the fair rides you are looking for. You will learn how to get the best value for your Texas State Fair tickets when you plan your vacation. There are many pro tips and insider secrets that you can only find from the Texas State Fair in Dallas. Don’t miss out.

Great time at the Texas State Fair in San Antonio last weekend! Texas State Fair Rides, Funnel cakes, Nut sales staff, Cotton Candy, Cow and pig racing, the Texas Fair Art Show, rides, food trucks, and some amazing Texas BBQ!Are you currently doing a Texas State Fair rides Dallas TX Fair Ride Review. We can all use better Texas State Fair rides Dallas TX Fair Ride Review strategies. That is why I am excited to show you our Texas State Fair rides Dallas TX Fair Ride Review video. During the Texas State Fair rides Dallas TX Fair Ride Review demo, we will be covering all the strategies that you can use to take your Texas State Fair rides Dallas TX Fair Ride Review from good to great. Trust me, the strategies in this video will skyrocket the Texas State Fair rides Dallas TX Fair Ride Review for your needs.

This Texas State Fair rides Dallas TX Fair Ride Review video will surely be the only one you will ever need to complete this process. So, please enjoy this Texas State Fair rides Dallas TX Fair Ride Review demo that we have prepared. You will quickly learn that none of the Texas State Fair rides Dallas TX Fair Ride Review tutorials will replace this one. If you find this video unsatisfactory in some way, please reach out to us immediately at 1-800-436-5020 and we will gladly assist you.

When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.

Today we are at the Texas state fair now When you come in uh you can come in on South Haskell 925 South Haskell they Have Premier Parking where you're able To go ahead and enter through a red arch Right up here on the right if not you Have to drive all the way back to a Tower it's half the price but then you Have to take a tram to get in to the State Fair Premium parking 40 bucks and then you Have the entrance right there on the red Entrance so you have the red entrance Here you come in do your security check And then you can get your tickets right Behind it Now if you want to go ahead and get in And out privileges you get your tickets And then they will go ahead and put a Stamp on your hand if you want to go out And come back later since they are open Until 10 30. you can come and Buy Coupons with credit card here or you can Go to the boots and inside of the park And you can go ahead and pay cash if you Want we have now entered The ride section Where we have rides all the way around We are going to experience the haunted House And we see the Tater twisters and Broccoli Bonanza All right let's go experience this and See how it is

[Music] [Music] Oh that feels nice [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] What'd you guys think was that the Scariest ride ever No thumbs down oh no [Music] Giant grills Right here There's a whole lot of turkey legs A jukebox music fun house [Music] Struggling to get through this one it's Twisted and turning hey [Music] What do you think so good Foreign [Music] And my son loves The Carpetbaggers Videos so we're gonna get up there and We're going to soak our shoes with Bubbles at the end Foreign [Music] Oh my gosh [Music] Oh they're making the bubbles they're Making the bubbles [Music]

Oh here it comes [Music] Oh My God whoa whoa oh my God oh my God Whoa ah security [Music] And The Bubble Room is coming monkey's Laughing at us the whole time come on Party [Music] Come on Come on All right all right we gotta look at our Shoes here yeah look at our shoes It looks as good as a carpet bagger what Do you think Alexander did you have fun yeah my kind Of rides right here All the little bitty ones potato ride Mama Foreign [Music] Are the rides that I love really close To the ground and not too fast [Music] This was one of carpetbagger's favorite Dark ride ride so we're gonna have to do This one here Park ride [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign

[Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music]


Texas State Fair Food Review - Texas State Fair Food Dallas TX | COS METIC UPDATES

Posted From: Texas State Fair Food Review - Texas State Fair Food Dallas TX Post ◀️◀️◀️ GET UP TO 25% OFF ANY HOTEL RESERVATION NOW -affiliate-

Texas State Fair Food Review – Texas State Fair Food Dallas TX

⏰Texas State Fair Food Review KEY MOMENTS ⏰

00:00:00 – Texas State Fair Food Review – Texas State Fair Food Dallas TX
00:00:10 – Texas State Fair Dallas TX Parking area
00:00:35 – Texas State Fair Dallas Inside Tour
00:01:06 – Food Tour
00:06:37 – Food Market Place
00:09:23 – Food Final Rating

🎬 Texas State Fair Food Review VIDEO SERIES 🎬
universal studios florida – universal studios harry potter world
Texas State Fair Dallas TX Texas State Fair Rides:
Johns Incredible Pizza Buena Park Mall:
Disney Epcot Rides Map Hours Attractions
Texas State Fair Food Review – Texas State Fair Food Dallas TX






Thank you for tuning in today to watch my review and recommendation of the best texas state fair food in town. I have been to texas state fair food a few times and let me tell you, you will find something wonderful that you will love. During this texas state fair food review, you will learn are some areas that make it better than the rest. I have lived in Texas for over 10 years and have tried every food item the texas state fair has to offer. Some of the most popular items are the brisket, bbq shrimp, mac quick, and the deep fried cheesecake. During this texas state fair food review, we will tell you which items you need to be trying. I hope you enjoy this texas state fair food review demonstration.

Thank you for checking out one of our new Texas State Fair Dallas TX, Texas State Fair Rides, and Texas State Fair Food Tour TX videos today. We all hope to see you at the 2018 Texas State Fair. If you really want to experience the texas fair, you will get on these awesome rides at the texas state fair. See the awesome food and savor the delicacies at texas state fair. You will find the best texas state fair rides, and texas state fair food tour in these videos. Enjoy your time at the texas fair.

Welcome to my “Texas State Fair Food Tour TX” video. Join me on my food tour! Texas has some amazing foods. In this video I will show you the best 3 things to eat at the fair!
Thank you for visiting us here at the Texas State Fair Dallas TX. If you are planning a trip to the State Fair, here you will be getting all the recommendations for the best Texas State Fair rides and food tour. This Texas State Fair Dallas TX video is apart of a larger video series about our trips to this particular State Fair. Texas State Fair is going to be in Dallas County, Texas. If you ever go to the State Fair, be sure to stop by Booth 2234 to see us. We will be filming our newest edition of top State Fair rides ,hot dogs, and a State Fair food tour. Here is part 1 of the Texas State Fair Dallas TX video.

When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.

Today we are at the Texas state fair now When you come in uh you can come in on South Haskell 925 South Haskell they Have Premier Parking where you're able To go ahead and enter through a red arch Right up here on the right if not you Have to drive all the way back to a Tower it's half the price but then you Have to take a tram to get in to the State Fair Premium parking 40 bucks and then you Have the entrance right there on the red Entrance so you have the red entrance Here you come in do your security check And then you can get your tickets right Behind it Now if you want to go ahead and get in And out privileges you get your tickets And then they will go ahead and put a Stamp on your hand if you want to go out And come back later since they are open Until 10 30. you can come and Buy Coupons with credit card here or you can Go to the boots and inside of the park And you can go ahead and pay cash if you Want [Music] So we're a deep fried love and this is The deep fried chocolate tres leches 14 bucks and we also got the award Winner Cha cha Chata for 16 on here really Chocolatey it's got some fruit inside Um for somebody who's a chocolate lover

What do you think Mama It is good me I didn't really love that One too much Um it is really chocolatey so if you Love chocolate you're probably gonna Really enjoy that it does have some Cream on top it's got lots of lots of Fruits so if you like fruit also looks Like it's got some caramel some peaches Some strawberries so um it's a pretty Good option but I didn't love that one Very much inside this guy here you've Got horchata which is pretty good Can drink it through the straw it's Super creamy it's got a little bit of a Churro on there [Music] So the churro doesn't have a lot of Sugar on it Um it's okay it's really really bready Like a churro is but it's not chewy it's Not like melty in your mouth it's okay I Could use a little bit more cinnamon and Sugar on it but it's it's okay decent Here we have a little bit of like a ball Of like funnel cake Um not super sweet Uh it's pretty tasty All in all this one here is uh pretty Filling Um mostly a drink you can enjoy the ball And this here dip it in there to get a Little ouched or flavor It is kind of tasty

But you have to ask is it worth sixteen Dollars Today we're going to try the lobster dog From The corn dog stand it's the state fair Corn dog stand It's got a fried outside Foreign So you taste the regular Cornbread outside kind of like a corn Dog which is pretty good it's soft on The inside almost tastes like stuffing a Little bit Have a little bit of a fishy taste to it Um it's it's okay it's pretty good they Also have a aioli that you can dip it in And some ketchup as well if you want to Go ahead and try that Warm it's gooey on the inside a little Bit sweet I'd give it a half though it is a little Bit better when you dip it in ketchup The ketchup actually brings out a little Bit of the flavor a little bit more Sweetness so I did enjoy it a little bit More with ketchup it is a little bit Squishy on the inside what did Mama Think Mama loves it Mama says eight out of ten I give it About a seven out of ten and the little One gave it a zero out of ten The fried Tres Leches and the Cha-cha-cha came from deep fried love

Ranchero and right across the way came The lobster corn dog From the footlong State Fair corn dog Stand [Music] Today we decided to go with the Chicharron explosion nachos but we Listened to a lot of other people who Had gotten this and we asked them to see If they could divide it up so the Chicharrones weren't soggy when we ate Them so it actually has some meat here It's got some pulled pork it's got pico De gallo jalapenos cheese nacho cheese And sour cream you excited mama So with the chicharrones the nacho Cheese is actually quite tasty and the Pulled pork is super delicious it's Sweet Um it is a little bit salty very very Good and then the brisket that they have Here uh is a little bit salty it's Pretty tender when you eat it so like it Just falls apart it's pretty tender I think Mama tasty rooms they actually Have seasoning on top Um so it actually has some pretty good Flavor on just the chicharones by Themselves now this little get up here Is a little bit reminiscent of being on Keto the meat chicharones using his Chips it's not bad [Music] It's got a pretty good crunch

[Music] Got the nacho cheese and the regular Cheese [Music] Look At Me Mama [Music] I see you so all in all it was uh pretty Good uh I would give it probably an Eight out of ten what would you give it Mama One thing uh the some of the skin ones Are super duper hard so hard that they Might even crack a tooth I got through Some of them and I had to put them to The side because they were hard so you Want to look for the ones that are like Spread out a little bit Um nacho cheese was really good we loved The pulled pork was phenomenal brisket Was okay but it was a little bit salty And we mixed the pico de gallo with the Sour cream that came out real nice but We didn't want to touch the jalapenos on A hot day [Music] The building with a bathroom there is a Virtual Fair of people selling different Things knickknacks special gadgets and Stuff like that so it's pretty fun they Got one side here and the other side on The other side the bathroom building is Fully aced so if you need to cool off a Little bit it's really really nice [Music]

They have the butter sculpture of Big Tex [Applause] Put on by Southwest Dairy Farmers and It's got a lot of the different Iterations of Big Tex in previous years The Embarcadero building Has AC and cold bathrooms [Music] Love here that you see how they have Converted your shipping containers into Little food serving boots and they've Got one here one there and they also Have them over here as well that's Pretty awesome Let's try the deep fried lasagna rolls And Gourmet Royale 20 bucks [Music] Foreign [Music] Ahead and got the lasagna roll the Strawberry roll and a water now just Beware that this one right here doesn't Give you the best customer service so Make sure that you're on par for that And we're gonna go ahead and try it now And see how it is Here we have the deep fried strawberry Roll What do you think Okay Funnel cake all right it's got Strawberries it's got breading it's got

A little bit of a cream sauce It's pretty good it's got the fake Strawberries on it it does taste a Little bit like funnel cake it's a Little bit thicker Um super sweet if you like sweet things It's pretty good I would get it again We have the deep fried lasagna roll it's Got some marinara sauce on the side it's Got crispy breading on it right there And it has a couple of Looks like chicken but we'll have to try Out and see what that is all right so You see it's got a thick breading on These outside for the deep fried lasagna Roll it's got the lasagna on the inside It's got a lot of cheese in there Fit in the marinara sauce Oh wow That is hearty Um Mama's gonna like this dude It's really good it's got a nice crunchy Outside He's got the layers of noodles on the Inside with the cheese dip it in the Marinara sauce go really really good I Definitely give that one a thumbs up We're gonna find out what these things Are here I don't know what that is I don't know what that is it's okay it Tastes like maybe like a deep-fried Zucchini or something like that Mama Says that she really likes it too it's

Kind of meaty got a little bit of meat In there we would definitely both get That again we give it a thumbs up but I'll tell you what their customer Service it does leave something to uh Desire so uh that was actually the first In line and the lady told me sir the Line's over here you need to get over Here so I went to the back of the line Like oh I'm sorry Yeah so the food is much better than the Customer service All right right here we got the sweet Bacon bacon it is a Twinkie wrap it Bacon wrapped in funnel cake With powdered sugar on top With bacon [Applause] That is good So it's got funnel cake it's got Powdered sugar it's got bacon Salty and sweet super tender very Delicious wow [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music]


Texas State Fair Dallas TX - Texas State Fair Rides - Texas State Fair Food Tour TX | COS METIC UPDATES

Posted From: Texas State Fair Dallas TX - Texas State Fair Rides - Texas State Fair Food Tour TX Post ◀️◀️◀️ GET UP TO 25% OFF ANY HOTEL RESERVATION NOW -affiliate-

Texas State Fair Dallas TX – Texas State Fair Rides – Texas State Fair Food Tour TX

⏰Texas State Fair Dallas TX KEY MOMENTS ⏰

00:00:00 – Texas State Fair Dallas TX
00:01:00 – Texas State Fair Food Tour TX
00:11:10 – Texas State Fair Rides Tour
00:18:46 – Texas State Fair Animal Park Tour
00:20:55 – Texas State Fair Nights Rides

🎬 Texas State Fair Dallas TX VIDEO SERIES 🎬
universal studios florida – universal studios harry potter world
Texas State Fair Dallas TX Texas State Fair Rides:
Johns Incredible Pizza Buena Park Mall:
Disney Epcot Rides Map Hours Attractions






Thanks for checking out the Texas State Fair Dallas TX blog posting today. This posting outlines the monthly activities and events that take place at the Texas State Fair in Dallas. This Texas State Fair Dallas TX blog posting will help anyone who is planning on attending the fair to find hotel accommodations and event information. We will also be listing out some of the best stores to visit if you are shopping while you are in the community. This Texas State Fair Dallas TX blog posting will be packed full of information about the events and happenings at the fair. Now that you are ready to plan a trip to Dallas, here is a more in depth Texas State Fair Dallas TX blog posting.

Thank you for joining me in today’s free TX State Fair Dallas Tour. Our TX State Fair Dallas ride line up starts at the midway, roller coasters, and rides. Then we head to the actual food booths. As we care about your stomach and yours only. So make sure you bring your appetite. Who knows, you might even find your next great recipe. If you would like to create your website plan, we have just the thing for you. We have a Texas State Fair Dallas TX – Texas State Fair Rides – Texas State Fair Food Tour TX tutorial video to make this process easy. There is a little something for everyone. This Texas State Fair Dallas Tour is free, drink water and have fun. Thanks for watching Business turtle.

The 2018 Texas State Fair is officially going on right now. In this video, we will take you through the gigantic selection of food that will be available at the Texas State Fair this year. We are specifically talking about the 2018 Texas State Fair food tour TX. During this Texas State Fair Food Tour TX, we give you the inside scoop on the best ways to attack the food at this popular annual Texas fair. Now that you found the best Texas State Fair Food Tour TX, hopefully you will come back every year. The 2022 Texas State Fair is and will always be the best. There is just something about the fair food that makes it taste better every year. If you thank you never go back every year. Also, please come back tomorrow and every day after to follow our channel. Thanks for watching, have a nice weekend!

When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.

Today we are at the Texas state fair now When you come in uh you can come in on South Haskell 925 South Haskell they Have Premier Parking where you're able To go ahead and enter through a red arch Right up here on the right if not you Have to drive all the way back to a Tower it's half the price but then you Have to take a tram to get in to the State Fair Premium parking 40 bucks and then you Have the entrance right there on the red Entrance so you have the red entrance Here you come in do your security check And then you can get your tickets right Behind it Now if you want to go ahead and get in And out privileges you get your tickets And then they will go ahead and put a Stamp on your hand if you want to go out And come back later since they are open Until 10 30. you can come and Buy Coupons with credit card here or you can Go to the boots and inside of the park And you can go ahead and pay cash if you Want [Music] So we're a deep fried love and this is The deep fried chocolate tres leches 14 bucks and we also got the award Winner Cha cha Chata for 16 on here really Chocolatey it's got some fruit inside Um for somebody who's a chocolate lover

What do you think Mama It is good me I didn't really love that One too much Um it is really chocolatey so if you Love chocolate you're probably gonna Really enjoy that it does have some Cream on top it's got lots of lots of Fruits so if you like fruit also looks Like it's got some caramel some peaches Some strawberries so um it's a pretty Good option but I didn't love that one Very much inside this guy here you've Got horchata which is pretty good Can drink it through the straw it's Super creamy it's got a little bit of a Churro on there [Music] So the churro doesn't have a lot of Sugar on it Um it's okay it's really really bready Like a churro is but it's not chewy it's Not like melty in your mouth it's okay I Could use a little bit more cinnamon and Sugar on it but it's it's okay decent Here we have a little bit of like a ball Of like funnel cake Not super sweet It's pretty tasty All in all this one here is uh pretty Filling Um mostly a drink you can enjoy the ball And this here dip it in there to get a Little extra flavor It is kind of tasty

But you have to ask is it worth sixteen Dollars Today we're going to try the lobster dog From The corn dog stand it's the state fair Corn dog stand It's got a fried outside So you taste the regular Cornbread outside kind of like a corn Dog which is pretty good it's soft on The inside almost tastes like stuffing a Little bit I have a little bit of a fishy taste to It Um it's it's okay it's pretty good they Also have a aioli that you can dip it in And some ketchup as well if you want to Go and try that Warm it's gooey on the inside a little Bit sweet I'd give it a half though it is a little Bit better when you dip it in ketchup The ketchup actually brings out a little Bit of the flavor a little bit more Sweetness so I did enjoy it a little bit More with ketchup it is a little bit Squishy on the inside what did Mama Think Mama loves it Mama says eight out of ten I give it About a seven out of ten and the little One gave it a zero out of ten The fried Tres Leches and the Cha-cha-cha came from deep fried love

Ranchero and right across the way came The lobster corn dog from the footlong State Fair corn dog stand Foreign [Music] Explosion nachos but we listened to a Lot of other people who had gotten this And we asked them to see if they could Divide it up so the chicharrones weren't Soggy when we ate them so it actually Has some meat here it's got some pulled Pork it's got pico de gallo jalapenos Cheese nacho cheese and sour cream you Excited mama So with the chicharrones the nacho Cheese is actually quite tasty and the Pulled pork is super delicious it's Sweet Um it is a little bit salty very very Good and then the brisket that they have Here uh is a little bit salty it's Pretty tender when you eat it so like it Just falls apart it's pretty tender I think Mama tasty rooms they actually Have seasoning on top Um so it actually has some pretty good Flavor on just the chicharones by Themselves now this little get up here Is a little bit reminiscent of being on Keto the meat chicharones using his Chips it's not bad [Music] It's got a pretty good crunch [Music]

Got the nacho cheese and the regular Cheese [Music] Look At Me Mama [Music] I see you so all in all it was uh pretty Good uh I would give it probably an Eight out of ten what would you give it Mama One thing uh the some of the skin ones Are super duper hard so hard that they Might even crack a tooth I got through Some of them and I had to put them to The side because they were hard so you Want to look for the ones that are like Spread out a little bit Um nacho cheese was really good we loved The pulled pork was phenomenal brisket Was okay but it was a little bit salty And we mixed the pico de gallo with the Sour cream that came out real nice but We didn't want to touch the jalapenos on A hot day [Music] The building with a bathroom there is a Virtual Fair of people selling different Things knickknacks special gadgets and Stuff like that so it's pretty fun they Got one side here and the other side on The other side the bathroom building is Fully aced so if you need to cool off a Little bit it's really really nice [Music] They have the butter sculpture of Big

Tex [Applause] Put on by Southwest Dairy Farmers and It's got a lot of the different Iterations of Big Tex in previous years The Embarcadero building Has AC and cold bathrooms [Music] Love here that you see how they have Converted your shipping containers into Little food serving boots and they've Got one here one there and they also Have them over here as well that's Pretty awesome Let's try the deep fried lasagna rolls And Gourmet Royale 20 bucks [Music] Foreign [Music] Ahead and got the lasagna roll the Strawberry roll and a water now just Beware that this one right here doesn't Give you the best customer service so Make sure that you're on par for that And we're gonna go ahead and try it now And see how it is Here we have the deep fried strawberry Roll What do you think Okay Funnel cake all right it's got Strawberries it's got breading it's got A little bit of a cream sauce

That's pretty good it's got the fake Strawberries on it it does taste a Little bit like funnel cake it's a Little bit thicker Um super sweet if you like sweet things It's pretty good uh I would get it again We have the deep fried lasagna roll it's Got some marinara sauce on the side it's Got crispy breading on it right there And it has a couple of Looks like chicken but we'll have to try Out and see what that is all right so You see it's got a thick breading on These outside for the deep fried lasagna Roll it's got the lasagna on the inside It's got a lot of cheese in there dip it In [Music] It oh wow so that is Hardy Mama's gonna like this too Really good it's got a nice crunchy Outside [Music] It's got the layers of noodles on the Inside with the cheese dip it in Marinara sauce really really good I Definitely give that one a thumbs up Find out what these things are here I Don't know what that is I don't know what that is it's okay it Tastes like maybe like a deep-fried Zucchini or something like that Mama Says that she really likes it too it's Kind of meaty got a little bit of meat

In there we would definitely both get That again we give it a thumbs up but I'll tell you what their customer Service it does leave something to uh Desire so uh that was actually the first In line and the lady told me sir the Line's over here you need to get over Here so I went to the back of the line Like oh I'm sorry but yeah so the food Is much better than the customer service All right right here we got the sweet Bacon Bay bacon it is a Twinkie wrapped In bacon wrapped in funnel cake with Powdered sugar on top with bacon [Applause] Oh it's got funnel cake it's got Powdered sugar it's got bacon it's salty And sweet sweet Soup I love it wow [Music] So good we had to go get another one Sweet bacon bacon it's delicious [Music] Come through all the food we have now Entered The ride section And where we have rides all the way Around we are going to experience the Haunted house And we see the Tater twisters and Broccoli Bonanza All right let's go experience this and See how it is [Music]

Thank you [Music] Oh that feels nice [Music] Foreign [Music] What'd you guys think was that the Scariest ride ever No thumbs down oh no These giant grills Right here There's a whole lot of turkey legs The Jukebox music fun house Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Beach Party ride [Music] What we've been looking for the bubble House because the carpet bagger got to Riding and my son loves The Carpetbaggers videos so we're gonna get Up there and we're gonna soak our shoes With Bubbles at the end [Music] Oh my gosh that is crazy Oh my gosh [Music] [Music] Oh they're making the bubbles they're Making the bubbles [Music] Oh here it comes

[Music] Oh my God whoa whoa oh my God Ah security [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Come on All right all right we gotta look at our Shoes here yeah look at our shoes It looks as good as a carpetbagger what Do you think Alexander did you have fun yeah my kind Of rides right here All the little bitty ones potato ride Okay Mama Foreign [Music] Are the rides that I love Really close to the ground and not too Fast [Music] Foreign [Music] This was one of carpetbagger's favorite Dark ride ride so we're gonna go and Have to do this one here Dark Ride [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music]

Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] Zoo they've got cows and water buffalo They got animals of all shapes and sizes You can feed them and pet them The miniature horses Super cute guys there over here feeding Horses Mama you found a friend Her cow's just relaxing [Music] Oh he's super cute hey baby yes Oh saying Hi friend don't drop the cup Buddy Oh my gosh she's so hungry [Music] Two Goats everywhere but the sign says Beware do not feed fingers to goats [Music] Hi spy Texas Explore the home of big text it's got a Lot Of lock here inside that you can check Out With facts different things to do Is how a log is cut into different Boards [Music] We've got Mama and Son over here Learning some facts Brand new baby chicks [Music]

Little baby cow I've never seen that one Little baby cow they're all two days old Foreign [Music] Well done [Applause] [Music]


Holiday Inn Express and Suites Dallas Cockrell Hill Review - Holiday Inn Express Cockrell Hill room | COS METIC UPDATES

Posted From: Holiday Inn Express and Suites Dallas Cockrell Hill Review - Holiday Inn Express Cockrell Hill room Post ◀️◀️◀️ GET UP TO 25% OFF ANY HOTEL RESERVATION NOW -affiliate-

Holiday Inn Express and Suites Dallas Cockrell Hill Review – Holiday Inn Express Cockrell Hill room

⏰ Holiday Inn Express and Suites Dallas Cockrell Hill Review KEY MOMENTS ⏰

00:00:00 – Holiday Inn Express and Suites Dallas Cockrell Hill Review
00:00:20 – Holiday Inn Express Out Side Tour
00:01:15 – Holiday Inn Room Tour
00:05:18 – Holiday Inn Outside View
00:06:17 – Holiday Inn bathroom Tour

🎬 Holiday Inn Express and Suites Dallas Cockrell Hill Review VIDEO SERIES 🎬
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Galveston West Seawall:
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Lake Charles:
Holiday inn express Harvey Marrero new Orleans:
Holiday Inn Express Tallahassee I-10 E BE CAREFUL HERE:
Holiday Inn Express and Suites Houston Westchase:
Holiday Inn Express and Suites Dallas Cockrell Hill Review :
Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area Review






If you want to learn more about the Holiday inn express, then you should check out this wonderful Holiday inn express review. Holiday inn express is a portal that will guide your users through your hotel, flight, or vacation planning process. This video will show you the steps to adding your hotel to the Holiday inn express website. Get all the facts about hotel management from this holiday inn express training. Please take this training tutorial video seriously, it is the most comprehensive Holiday inn express tutorial video that you will find. In addition to giving all the hotel management essentials, this Holiday inn express demo will give you an in-depth walkthrough of the Holiday inn express app. There is no doubt that this is the best Holiday inn express review that you can find on the internet. Get great discounts on hotels by visiting Holiday Inn Express and Suites by clicking here.

Thank you for watching our extended holiday inn express cockrell hill video. We will show you all the cool things that you can get at the holiday inn express cockrell hill. Inside you will have everything you would need for any type of travel. You will find that the interior is designed with you in mind. Inside you will find a comfy king size bed and lots of other amenities. In every room, you will find cool amenities like, free wi-fi, coffee maker with free coffee, microwave, refrigerator, flat-screen TV with cable, iron and ironing board and much more. You never know what you will get from the holiday inn express cockrell hill, but there is always good documentation there to help you find all of the details about your stay. Sit back and relax in our holiday inn express cockrell hill room. Be our guest.

Thank you for joining me in this holiday inn express and Suites cockrell hill room tour. If you planning your next getaway, but not sure which hotel to stay at, then I have the perfect hotel for you. The holiday inn express and Suites cockrell hill room is nice and quiet. Every room has a beautiful view. Every room is equipped with an HD tv, refrigerator, microwave, Keurig coffee maker, two double beds, and sofa bed. I look forward to greeting you there!

When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.

[Music] Foreign [Music] Holiday and Express and Suites here in Dallas kochner They do have security all the way around So they have uh security cameras Monitoring 24 7. and they also block off Some parking spaces in the back so you Don't park here because we can't really Monitor over there And they have doors All the way around that you can get into Pretty easily so that's nice their pool Closes at 12 30 and there Workout center fitness center is open 24 Hours Their back door you do need to use your Key card to get in and you can actually See all the way straight through to the Front entrance as well the Holiday Inn Express and Suites Pretty new setup here Up here they do have some nice wall Sconces and wallpaper We're going to be staying in the Dallas Holiday Inn Express and Suites on Cockrell Hill Room 401. I think inside the door we do have a Full iron and ironing board also the bag Rack so that you can open up your Suitcase and get to it we have three six Hangers inside of the little cubicle

Closet here inside of the little vanity Suite here we have a microwave which I Always love with Holiday Inn Express it Has mama's favorite the Keurig and we Also have a couple of coffees we have The breakfast blend And the Decaf coffee we have the ice bucket and Four cups and in the refrigerator It oh it's got a freezer inside freezer Full refrigerator and door so that is Nice and we also have a little bar sink We have a full length mirror here so That you can go ahead and get ready Starting off in the room we do have a Sconce here that does have two plugs Which is nice we also have a full desk With a phone a pen and a paper and we Have two plugs on the wall and one Additional plug on the lamp so basically We've got five plugs right here which is Awesome uh we've got a office chair That's pretty soft and a full-size trash Can which is nice this one here is a King sweet so it has a sitting chair it Has a lamp with one more plug we have a Queen size pull out sofa here and table Has a nice little bar Divider here where you can go ahead and Hold some stuff Uh we have lamps on either side both Lamp has an on and off switch with two Plugs so it looks like we got a ton of Plugs here we have an alarm which I hate

Alarms but it's always good to have just In case you need it And we have an easy Glide drawer On the king-sized bed we have four Pillows looks like we have a Soft and firm and the first one is a Goose down pillow so that is nice The bed itself actually feels really Firm thankfully I've got the back up Memory foam topper to throw up on there We have a Regular TV here probably about a 32 inch With a remote looks like we have DirecTV Which is pretty cool Uh we've got extra stuff just in case You need it so they got toothbrushes Razors all that kind of good stuff we do Have storage there's two drawer chest Storage here which is an easy Glide Actually it's a three just storage and We have an additional seating chair wow That's nice Oh and that one is super soft and it has Memory foam right next to the memory Foam chair we also have another end Table a little table here we've got some Nice art inside another lamp and the AC Is here uh And the digital thermostat is on the Other side by the entrance We have sprinklers all throughout and we Also have carbon monoxide detectors Inside which is nice and the bed has a Leather backing nice soft back on it so

That you can go ahead and sit up and Read some books relax do some studying On your iPad or your tablets or you can Look at Instagram flipping through your Phone All right so looking outside of the Window looks like we have an extra space Storage behind us And the highway is on the other side and What we actually liked about Dallas is It's got all kinds of like pretty Looking buildings over there Definitely got some money here in Dallas That's for sure Um but what I love is actually we're Going to be able to get a parking space Right outside our window so we'll be Able to see our car which is pretty cool And it looks like since we are on the Back side of the building uh we won't be Disturbed by the highway which I love Because uh one of the other hotels we Stayed at we were on the front side of The building and my wife could not sleep At all that night A wifey approval on this one she said It's very nice made an amazing Discovery This Holiday Inn Express has memory foam Pull outs I have never in my life seen Memory foam pull outs inside the bed I Think our son is going to sleep better Than we do tonight All right inside the bathroom this is Actually the probably the nicest display

Of towels I have ever seen in any hotel So look we got our hand towels here You see there like little Floral Design We've got the floral design of the Tissues the floor design of the hand Towel here we've got two shower towels Another hand towel with a little design There that is amazing I love that we Also have uh the shower rod that comes Out so that gives you more room inside The shower and my wife's favorite is the Dove we got the Dove Body Wash shampoo And conditioner they got all three today And let's see what we got here so this Here is actually kind of a short shower Head it's got a couple of different uh Options in here but this one here is Probably six foot so I'm going to be Ducking to get inside of this one it Does have Uh A little ledge here for your bar of soap And it does have a safety bar so that You can help yourself get up out of the Bath or make sure you don't fall getting Out now underneath we do have an extra Trash can they have a hair dryer another Full towel and two rolls of toilet paper And they even folded the toilet paper Here as well they have a dove bar soap They're all dubbed out here in this Hotel I can see my wife jumping for joy with That and they have a really nice

Sink here this is really nice looks like They got pretty all right I'm taking Back the luggage carts now a little Bitty luggage carts we had to get two Usually we just put everything on one Luggage cart Two big wheels in the back two small Ones in the front you can hang a little Thing here Uh it's pretty lightweight Four floors in this one here we're Staying on the top this time Go down to one Super slow As it goes down downstairs by the Elevator they do have a male and female Restroom With a little seating area down there as Well you have the fitness center which Is 24 hours it's got a couple of stuffs In there cool till midnight On checkout day we discovered that they Do have one regular baggage cart uh Inside the hotel but apparently the one That they had was missing when we came At two o'clock in the morning so now When we check out we get to fill it with All of our bags and don't have to take Two carts inside of the pool area they Do have a bathroom They have a cool jacuzzi Nice and hot They also have an indoor pool We were going to shoot this last night

But there was somebody who had a big old Speaker set up tons of people in the Pool tons of people in the jacuzzi so we Didn't get to enjoy it but this one here Is nice and hot and running and a Beautiful indoor pool but just to know The pool is not heated it was super cold My son was swimming around last night But I only went Waist Deep because it Was super chilly And they also have towels down here Clean towels dirty towels and you do the Key card reader you want to make sure You put it in and then you got to pull The handle up not down breakfast area Full breakfast I was kind of sad because They didn't have Bagels but they did Have you know sausage bacon all that Kind of stuff seating area with a TV Nice seating area here And they have a business center that has Two computers that you can go ahead and Use Right next to the front lobby downstairs Bathroom near the lobby is pretty nice Got some nice sinks trash it's got a Urinal changing station and a super Large area for The throne be careful not to fall asleep In here though it is a little dim On checkout day we discovered that they Do have one regular baggage cart uh Inside the hotel but apparently the one That they had was missing when we came

At two o'clock in the morning so now When we check out we get to fill it with All of our bags and don't have to take Two carts


Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area Review - Holiday Inn Stone Oak Room Tour Walkthrough | COS METIC UPDATES

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Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area Review – Holiday Inn Stone Oak Room Tour Walkthrough

⏰ Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area Review KEY MOMENTS ⏰

00:00:00 – Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area Review
00:00:19 – Holiday Inn Room Tour
00:04:56 – Holiday Inn Out side Room Short Tour
00:06:31 – Holiday Inn Pool Tour
00:05:00 – Holiday Inn Parking Area
00:08:35 – Room jacuzzi pool

🎬Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area Review VIDEO SERIES 🎬

Loma de Vida Spa tour pool and jacuzzi La cantera resort:
La cantera resort and spa la cantera resort :
Texas State Fair Dallas Texas State Fair Rides:
Holiday Inn Express and Suites Dallas Cockrell Hill Review :
Johns Incredible Pizza Buena Park Mall:
La cantera resort and spa Pools and water slides:
Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area Review






Thank you so much for checking out our Holiday Inn Stone Oak room tour walkthrough. I visited this hotel for the first time recently and fell in love with it. If you need a place to rest after a day of traveling, this Holiday Inn is the perfect location. Please enjoy this Holiday Inn Stone Oak room tour walkthrough and let us know what you think of this video. Don’t forget to tell us what you loved, or what you overlooked so that we can work on our Holiday Inn Stone Oak room tour walkthrough.

There are several great places to go stay in San Antonio. Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area has been around for years and has turned into one of the most popular hotels in the city. This video will walk you thru our Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area hotel room to give you the 411 on this popular hotel. Please join us and leave your comments after viewing this video. We would love to hear your thoughts and experiences concerning Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area.

Thank you for checking out our Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area Review! In this video, we will be touring inside the Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area. If you are thinking about staying at this Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area, this video will give you a virtual tour of each room, so you can get an idea of where your room will be located. We toured the entire Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area, so you can learn more about this Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area. We hope you enjoyed our Holiday Inn San Antonio North Stone Oak Area review!.

When you click on any of the links provided above I may receive a small commission for recommending the item on the other end of the link. All products that I recommend, I do so on my own behalf without prompting from any manufacturer, company or retailer. If I recommend a product it is because I believe in what that product can do or be. All videos and content where recommendations are posted are for educational purposes only. You must do your due diligence and research when investing in a product for yourself or spending any type of capital.

We're staying at the Holiday Inn San Antonio north Area Right inside the door we have A refrigerator Full refrigerator no freezer We have a microwave a Keurig and we have Two coffees with two coffee cups Inside the door We have an iron a full ironing board we Have the luggage cart as well as the Safe on the floor Got a welcome bag we're gonna open that In a minute inside the bathroom We've got two lights double vanity we Have dove Bar soap Little Baby Dove shampoo Body wash and conditioner we have a Dryer We have a soap container with two Two hand towels a washcloth two towels Here and then we have one full towel Here We do have the shower curtain that comes Out to give you extra room We have the Full size Tub The shower head is kind of short I'm 6'4 This one here is about six foot it does Have the emergency bar the fall bar in There so you can get up or not fall it Does have

A little holder for your soap we have a Little bitty elongated toilet uh you see Here how it kind of Scoops in a little Bit so that there's for the smaller high Knees Uh we got two rolls of toilet paper and Some tissues to blow your nose or extra If you run out of toilet paper And we have a trash can right here one Thing that I love that you don't see Very often we have a fan Inside the Hotel so it will not be stinky in here All right we've got a full-size mirror Here so you can get beautiful for your Night out And we have a a seating area here it's Got two cushion chairs it has a little Eating table with an ice bucket Oh no the lid's coming off ah and we Have uh two drinking cups there We have a leather seating area chair Here and Uh Ottoman which is pretty cool wow this is This is actually pretty spacious and we Got a little bitty Jet tub here definitely one person tub That's right you might have to you know Put your legs to your chest to fit in There but it's got some Jets so we're Gonna have some fun and the hotel also Has a pool and a Jacuzzi so we'll have To check that out we've got a nightstand With an alarm clock

We have A lamp it's got one plug here on and off Switch We have a nightstand Nothing in the nightstand all wood We've got the king size bed and they do Offer rollaways free of charge if you Ask We have a pretty soft bed but thankfully I did bring the backup memory foam Topper it's got four pillows on the bed We have the soft and a firm the soft one Feels like a goose down pillow which is Pretty nice we have a 32 inch TV with A dresser four drawers Put your clothes if you're staying here More than one day we also have a nice Little bench also allows you to be able To put your suitcase there so you can Open it it doesn't fall over and not Only that but we also have a desk and Another chair this is crazy so we got Another seating chair We've got a desk with a swivel office Chair Pretty soft We've got the phone over here We've got our internet plug an Additional plug and two more plugs on The lamp right there and this room does Have two nightstands so that one Person's not throwing their stuff on the Floor and this lamp has two plugs and an On and off switch and four plugs behind

The nightstand that's amazing uh we do Have two ACS because I guess this is a Bigger room so we make sure that we stay Nice and cool during the summer weather And then we have a view Of the highway but thankfully we are Pretty far back off the highway So uh hopefully we won't be hearing the Cars in the middle of the night now let Me tell you this uh we actually came From this little road right here when You're coming right down Redland Road Make sure you pay attention to your GPS Because there's a little tiny sign and a Little tiny driveway and if you are not Paying attention You're gonna miss it I was paying Attention and I missed it and we had to Turn around and look for it but yeah and Then it comes up like this steep little Hill and then the driveway To the entrance down below uh eight O'clock at night right in front if you Look out right there this is Six Flags And you will see the fireworks show Every single night at 8pm and it's like Four or five minutes long so it's pretty Awesome you can check it out and have Some fireworks before New Year's or Fourth of July a little piece of art Here we've got two pieces of art here We've got a beautiful wife there hi and We got another Mirror here so if you got a whole bunch

Of people in here getting ready trying To look beautiful you got mirrors all Over the room It's time to have fun all right inside The welcome bag we got a little bitty Water and what else did we get and Little bitty crackers we got peanut Butter sandwich crackers right you come Over here to get into the pool Go ahead and unlock the door And push We have an indoor pool here And we have A Jacuzzi right there [Music] All right we also have Some towels ready for use we've got some Loungers and it's nice and quiet not Like our last day where people had boom Boxes outside uh this one here is five Foot deep and the jacuzzi Is three foot six inches what do you Think Mama Here we also have a shower head and Shower So you can shower off when you're done [Music] And we also have the workout center here Some Dumbbells And some Equipment also have a bathroom All right this is a wet room so that's Good and we have a sink toilet paper

Paper towels and a little bitty trash Can We approve Parking lot in the back is a really well Lit so you don't have to worry about Anything happening to your car there's a Back entrance here in the back right Next to the pool Nice little gated seating area here I Guess this is probably the smoking area And you have access to the pool and to The hotel here and it looks like you can Also see the fireworks from Sea World up In the distance as well And this right now is at 10 40. so I Guess you can get fireworks at eight O'clock and 10 40 right there in the Center look at that All right so the shower pressure's not Very good but boy the water pressure in This jacuzzi tub is nice it's time for a Bubble bath Let me tell you this thing here is about Three feet wide so I was up in here like A chipmunk last night it did feel nice Having some extra Bubbles and heated Water but uh it was uh kind of small for Anyone who is not A Nine-year-old now my son he enjoyed it What'd you think did you like the Jacuzzi boom he enjoyed it he was laying Out long ways but uh yeah for the adults It was kind of hard
