Red Plum:
$0.75 Del Monte Seasoned Vegetables exp 3/9/2014
$1/3 Delmonte Harvest Selects Vegetables exp 4/6/2014
$1 Eczemin exp 3/31/2014
$1.50 Emergen C vitamin Supplement Drink Mix 10 ct size or larger exp 2/28/2014
$0.40 Fleischmann’s Yeast strip or Jar exp 2/9/2014
$1 Folgers Gourmet Selections exp 3/31/2014
$0.50 Gain Detergent or Gain Fabric Enhancer exp 2/28/2014
$1/2 Gain Detergents or Gain Fabric Enhancers exp 2/28/2014
$2 Garnier Fructis Shampoo contioner exp 2/22/2014
$1 Garnier Fructis Style prduct exp 3/8/2014
$2 Garnier Fructis Treatment exp 2/22/2014
$2 Garnier Moisturizer exp 3/8/2014
$3 Garnier Olia Haircolor exp 3/8/2014
$1 Gillette Anti perspirant or Deodorant exp 2/28/2014
$1 Jones Canadian Bacon exp 3/12/2014
$1 L’oreal Exraordinaire by Colour Riche or any L’oreal Paris Lip Product exp 3/8/2014
$2 L’oreal Oleo Therapy, Everpure Evertrong EverSleek Ever Crème Evercurl Shampoo or conditioner exp 3/8/2014
$2 L’oreal Oleo Therapy, Everpure Evertrong EverSleek Ever Crème Evercurl Treatmentor Everstyle Product exp 3/8/2014
$1 L’oreal paris Eye Product exp 3/8/2014
$1 L’oreal paris Eye Shadow or Liner exp 3/8/2014
$3 L’oreal Preference Haircolor exp 3/8/2014
$1 L’oreal Studio Line Styling Product exp 3/8/2014
$1 Maybelline Fit Me New York Face Product exp 3/8/2014
$.55/2 Mccormick Gravies exp 2/9/2014
$1.50/3 Mrs T;s Pierogies exp 2/22/2014
$2 nature’s Bounty Optimal solutions Products exp 3/9/2014
$1 Nyquil Severe Product or Dayquil exp 2/28/2014
$1 Old Spice Anti Perspirant or Deodorant exp 2/28/2014
$2 Old Spice Body Spray exp 2/28/2014
$1 Psoriasin product exp 3/31/2014
$.75/2 Quaker Bars Cookies, or Popped Rice Snacks exp 2/28/2014
$.75/2 Quaker Oatmeal, Instant oatmeal, or Cold Cereals exp 2/28/2014
$1 Secret Clinical exp 2/28/2014 excludes .5 oz and trial travel size
$1 Secret Outlast, Scent Expressions or Destinations exp 2/28/2014
$0.50 SuperPretzel PretzelDogs Product exp 2/28/2014
$0.50 SuperPretzel Product exp 2/28/2014
$1 Tenneesee Pride Breakfast Sandwich Box or Bag exp 2/23/2014
$1/4 Uncle Bens Rice Products exp 3/9/2014
$1 Vicks Product exp 2/28/2014
$0.75 Welch’s natural Spread exp 3/30/2014 do not double
$1 Working Hands or healthy Feet Cream exp 3/10/2014
Smart Source:
$0.75 7UP Ten, A&W Ten, Canada Dry Ten, RC Ten or Sunkist Ten Soda exp 2/28/2014 DND
$2 Benefiber exp 3/12/2014
$6/2 Benefiber Products 62 servings or larger exp 3/12/2014
$.75/2 Betty Crocker Ultimate Potatoes, Ultimate Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper or Ultimate chicken helper Home cooked Skillet Dishes exp 3/8/2014
$1.50 BirdsEye Recipe ready exp 3/9/2014
$1 Blink Tears or Blink GelTears Lubricating Eye Drops exp 2/17/2014
$0.35 Blistex Lip Care Product exp 2/16/2014
$1/4 Buy Four (4) 6 oz cups or any Two (2) 4 pack 4 oz Yocrunch exp 3/15/2014
$2 buy One Lee Kum Kee Hoisin Sauce Get $2 off one lee Kum Kee Soy Sauce exp 6/30/2014
$.50/5 Campbell’s Condensed chicken Noodle, Tomato, Mushroom Soup exp 3/15/2014
$.40/3 Campbells Condensed Soups exp 3/5/2014 excludes tomato, chicken noodle, muschroom
$.50/2 Campbell’s Homestyle soups exp 3/15/2014
$0.75 Campbell’s Slow Cooker or Skillet Sauce exp 3/31/2014
$0.75 Celestial Seasonings Tea Bags exp 4/12/2014
$1/2 ChiChi Salsas or Tortillas exp 3/15/2014
$1 ChiChis Frozen Appetizer exp 3/15/2014
$1/2 Claussen Pickles exp 3/9/2014
$1 Complete Blink-N-Clean Lens Drops or Blink Contacts Lubricant Eye Drops exp 2/17/2014
$1 Complete Multi-Purpose Solution 12 oz or larger exp 2/17/2014
$1 Cooked Perfect Bites exp 4/6/2014
$1 Cooked Perfect meatballs exp 4/6/2014
$.50/2 Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Cloths exp 2/23/2014 not valid on trial size
$.50/2 Cottonelle Toilet Paper 4 packs or one 9 pack or larger exp 2/23/2014
$1 Cream of Wheat variety 9.8 oz or larger exp 3/31/2014
$1 Curel Moisturizer 7.5 oz or larger exp 2/15/2014
$0.50 Dei Fratelli Truly 26.46 oz tomatoes product exp 3/31/2014
$1 Dei Fratelli Truly 33.8 tomato juice or veggie juice exp 3/31/2014
$0.50 DenTek Floss Pick or Interdental Cleaner $1.99 or more exp 2/9/2014
$1 Depend Product exp 2/22/2014
$2 Depends Shields or Guards for Men exp 2/22/2014
$0.50 Dole All Natural Fruit Jar exp 3/31/2014
$0.50 Fiber One Cereal exp 2/22/2014
$1/2 Fisher Snack Nut Items Any Variety 4 oz or larger exp 3/15/2014
$1/4 Fisher Trail Mix Items of Any variety 3 oz or larger exp 3/15/2014
$1 French’s Crunch Time Entrees exp 3/31/2014
$1.50/2 Freschetta Pizza Products 14.5 oz or greater exp 2/28/2014 DND
$1.25 Gas X Product exp 4/12/2014
$2.75/2 Gas X Products 18 ct or larger exp 4/12/2014
$1.50 Gevalia 12 oz coffee exp 2/8/2014
$1.50 Gevalia 6 ct or 9 ct Cappuccino, Mocha Latte or Caramel Macchiato exp 2/8/2014
$3 Glade Plugins Scented Oil Sustomizables Starter Kit exp 2/22/2014
$1 Glade Plugins Scented Oil Triple Twin or Two Single Refills exp 2/22/2014
$3 Glade Sense & Spray Ster Kit exp 2/22/2014
$1 Glade Sense & Spray Twin Refill or Two Single Refills exp 2/22/2014
$1/2 Halls Drops 17 ct or larger exp 2/23/2014
$1 High Liner Sea Cuisine Product exp 3/15/2014
$1/2 Jell’o refrigerated Jell-o snacks exp 2/9/2014
$1 Jergens Moisturizer 8 oz or larger exp 2/1/2014
$1/2 Ken’s 16 oz dressings exp 2/28/2014
$2/3 Ken’s 9 oz dressings exp 2/28/2014
$.50/3 Kleenex 3 boxes 50 ct or larger or 1 bundle pack facial Tissue exp 2/8/2014
$1/2 Kleenex Hand Towels exp 2/23/2014
$1/2 Maruchan Bowl exp 3/15/2014
$18/2 Maruchan Yakisoba exp 3/15/2014
$0.75 Mccormick Perfect Pinch Seasoning blend exp 3/9/2014
$2 Mitchum exp 2/16/2014
$0.55 Motts snack & Go Pouch 4 pack snack & Go Pouch 12 pack k, 6 pack cups single serve applesauce or 6 pack cups medley’s snack exp 3/9/2014
$2 Move Free Advanced Products exp 6/10/2014
$4 Move Free Ultra Omega and our other Move Free Products ultra and Gummies exp 6/10/2014
$0.75 Multi Grain Cheerios, Peanut Butter Cheerios, Dark Chocolate Crunch Cereal exp 2/22/2014
$0.40 New York Brand Frozen Product exp 3/15/2014
$0.50 New York Brand Garlic Knots exp 3/15/2014
$1 Oscar mayer carving Board Meats exp 3/9/2014
$1/2 Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunch Meat exp 3/9/2014
$1.50 Pledge FloorCare Product exp 2/23/2014
$5 Prevacid 24 HR Product exp 2/23/2014
$0.50 Real Simple Magazine exp 4/18/2014
$1/2 Revlon eye product exp 2/16/2014
$2 Revlon Foundation, powder, concealer, primer, blush and BB or CC cream exp 2/16/2014
$1 Revlon Lip product exp 2/16/2014
$1 Revlon Nail enamel exp 2/16/2014
$2 Schick Quattro for Men or Women Disposable Raxor Pack exp 2/9/2014 excludes 2 count
$2 Schick ST*2 or ST*3 or Schick Slim Twin Disposable exp 2/9/2014 excludes 2 ct or 10+2 ct
$2 Schick Xtreme3 Disposable exp 2/9/2014 excludes 2 ct and 10 + 2 ct
$1 Scott 6 or more rolls of paper towels exp 2/22/2014
$1/2 Scott 1000 Tissue 8 pack or larger exp 2/22/2014
$1 Scott Extra Bath tissue 9 or more rolls exp 2/22/2014
$0.50 Scott Naturals Flushable cleansing clothes exp 2/22/2014
$0.75 Scrubbing Bubbles All Porpose Cleaner with Fantastik exp 2/23/2014
B1G1 Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet cleaning Gel exp 2/22/2014
$1/2 Smart Balance Buttery Spreads exp 2/26/2014
$0.50 Smart Balance Spreadable Butter exp 2/26/2014
$1.50 South Beach Diet Meal Bars, protein fit bars of 4 pack of 100 calorie smoothies exp 2/28/2014
$1 south Beach Diet snack bars exp 2/28/2014
$0.75 Total Cereal exp 2/22/2014
$5/2 Triaminic Products exp 1/19/2014
$.50/2 V8 Splash 64 oz or larger exp 3/14/2014
$1 Viva Paper Towels 6 pack or larger exp 2/23/2014
$2/3 Windex Pledge Shout or scrubbing Bubbles Products exp 2/22/2014
B1G1 Windex Touch-up Cleaner exp 2/22/2014
$3/4 Windex, Pledge Shout or Scrubbing Bubbles exp 2/23/2014
$0.50 Wonderful Almond Accents 3.5 oz or larger exp 3/12/2014
$.75/2 Ziploc brand Bags exp 2/22/2014
P&G Regional One Page Flyer
Olay Fresh Effects Facial Moisturizer B1G1 1/26/2014
Olay Regenerist Facial moisturizer B1G1 1/26/2014