German Style Pork Roast with Sauerkraut Cooked With Wine Potatoes sous vide Pork Chops ninja foodi | COS METIC UPDATES

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German Style Pork Roast and Sauerkraut Cooked With Wine Potatoes sous vide Pork Chops ninja foodi

⏰ German Style Pork Roast with Sauerkraut KEY MOMENTS ⏰
00:00:00 – German Style Pork Roast with Sauerkraut
00:00:39 – ninja foodi xl sous vide Pork Chops recipe
00:01:05 – German Style Pork Roast Potato Preparation
00:01:41 – German Style Pork Roast Seasoning
00:02:05 – ninja foodi xl sous vide Pork Chops cooking prep
00:02:20 – ninja foodi xl sous vide cooking instructions
00:02:56 – German Style Pork Roast with Sauerkraut Taste Test

🎬 German Style Pork Roast with Sauerkraut VIDEO SERIES 🎬
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Ninja foodi German Style Pork Roast with Sauerkraut






Lets begin with a simple German Style Pork Roast. This German Style Pork Roast is made with sliced pork chops, that are seasoned with sage, garlic and onions. The pork chops are seared in a dutch oven and then meat tenderized using a food processor. The meat is then added to the dutch oven along with vegetable stock, vermouth and bay leaves. The German style pork roast is then covered and cooked for about 2 1/2 hours. To finish the pork roast, the dutch oven is covered and baked in 350 degree oven for about 15-20 minutes. The pork roast is served along with kraut and potatoes.Welcome to our german cooking videos, In this video, we will show you how to cook a pork roast the right way. These german recipes will produce amazing results.

You will learn traditional german pork roast. After watching this german recipes demo, you will have a better understanding of the professional techniques being used. Here is a german cooking video that will teach you how to make delicious, traditional german pork roast and Bavarian pork roast. The german dishes video will show you how to make German style cooking. This German recipes clip will show you how to make German dishes. This cooking video will show you how to make German style cooking. Only the best german recipes youtube demo has been put online for your future reference. Watch this expert pork roast recipe demonstration. We hope this cooking video provides you with all the information that you need to cook your favorite pork roast recipe.

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I hope you enjoy my german recipes demo today. If this video looks like any other, then you don’t know the source of this video, because you have not seen the best german dishes review video made anywhere in the web. Authentic german recipes are hard to come by, if you are not looking in the right place. Well, I hope today you learn that vorlage is the best resource for traditional german pork roast and pork chop sous vide. The german dishes are the most delicious ones we have ever tasted. Of course, the food tastes better when accompanied by beautiful images. This video demo your treasured recipes. We will have the best german recipes review demo for you, today.

Lets begin with a simple German Style Pork Roast. This German Style Pork Roast is made with sliced pork chops, that are seasoned with sage, garlic and onions. The pork roast is served along with kraut and potatoes.

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Today I'm gonna make one of my favorite German dishes uh it consists of wine Pork sauerkraut and potatoes I'm going To add a little bit of onions in there Because I like the sweetness that the Onions add and we are going to do it in The Ninja foodie XL we're going to be using The suvi function and we're going to be Doing it for four hours On suvi 135. uh when we uh do it we're gonna Sprinkle a little bit of Old Bay some Caraway seeds and some light salt in There for flavoring and a little bit of Wine work and Cube it up I like to do it In one inch chunks I use the handy Kitchen scissors for quick processing Half an onion Thinly sliced so that it can easily Match up with the sauerkraut alright if You do want to add the potatoes to the Sous-vide method you want to take your Potatoes Two tablespoons of butter and we want to Go ahead and put it on there and saute Them for a couple minutes When we throw them in there we also want To add a little bit of salt and pepper We're going to cook these for two to Three minutes until they are tender All right once they've gotten tender you Can go ahead and mix them in with the Rest of the mixture and get the

Sous-vide process started sprinkle on The salt Sprinkle on the caraway seeds Sprinkle on the Old Bay We're going to throw this mixture inside Of the vacuum seal bag all right then we Throw in the sauerkraut and the wine in There so that it can all mix together We're going to go ahead and seal it and Throw it inside our ninja foodie XL You put 12 cups of water there's a line In the back that shows you're on 12 You're going to go ahead and select suvi We're gonna do 135 on the temperature And we're going to do four hours All right and then what we do is we just Go ahead and put this lid on top All right We leave it to vent And we press start What it's going to do is it's going to Warm up When it's ready it'll say put food in And then we'll go and throw our bag Inside The pork is tender and cooked all the Way through That is good it's got a good flavor all The way through super tender super moist That is nice you can add potatoes to This recipe if you want but you want to Make sure that you pan fry them before You put them inside the mix because it Is really hard to cook potatoes fully in

The sous-vide method but you can add Them but they're not necessary for this Recipe


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